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Poll: Features or Characteristics?


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I'm actually spoiled now by the Optimized Feature Sorting. It's not 100% perfect, but it does an amazing job.
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When you run patterns with multiple features at each location. By grouping a set of characteristics, you can remove the loop function from each individual characteristics, and apply the loop to the group, it will measure everything at one location before moving on to the next location.
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In Calypso 2019, you can use the Sort features for optimal navigation function and it will ask you if you are OK with breaking up the pattern for the purpose of efficiency.
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Running from the characteristic list would be the best 'random' way to run any of my programs. In the first characteristic, I would have a Cartesian Distance where all the features used would be probed with different probe systems. Just imagine the probe swaps you can create.
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A hundred years ago I inherited a program done this way. It was about 80 probe changes at it ran for more than 9 hours.
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