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Recall One Feature


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I have a program where I recall a patterned point feature. When I use the "Recall One Feature" option, it places the formulas for the actual values in the Nominal fields of the recalled feature. I'm constantly having to cut and paste the formulas into the Actual fields.
Why does Calypso put the formulas for actual values into the Nominal fields? Is this a bug? If so, this has been an issue throughout many versions of Calypso.


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I always put my formulas in the nominal fields, I think that's just how works. Right click the field>formula. Is this causing any isues for you? you can set your nominals in the characteristic.
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When you recall a feature the new element is automatically set as theoretical.
In theoretical features there are no measuring estategies, then: actual = nominal.

Calypso puts formulas (getActual()) to refresh values automatically when the original feature changes.

Other advantage of theoretical features with this formula is that the values are automatically adjusted to the selected alignment.

Then is not a bug.. actually gives you many advantages in case of custom needs.
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