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Excluding vector points from measurement


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Hello there, I am finding some problems regarding to excluding some measuringpoints. The thing is that I have to measure a sphere on 3 PAD's with 9 points each. So 27 points in total. For every PAD i would like to deleat the 5 lowest points. So that leaves 4 point per PAD and 12 in total. Right now I am measuring with vector points which I combine to a sphere. There will be fitted a lens with the same radius on those 3 PAD's so only the highest points are intersting. Does somebody now how to exclude those points? Sea attached picture.

Thanks in advance for thinking with me,


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is a similar topic than the post from the link (there is a program attached there), this is an option using PCM:
(consider too if the outer tangential element works for you)

for i=1 to numberofpoints 
next i

for i=1 to numberofpoints 
    for n = i + 1 to numberofpoints
      if Points[n] > Points[i] then
        Temp = Points[n]
        Points[n] = Points[i]
        Points[i] = Temp
	 Temp = Point[n]
        Point[n] = Point[i]
        Point[i] = Temp
next n
next i

for i=1 to numberofpoints 
display(formatL(Points[i],0,4) + "  " +  Point[i])
next i
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