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Hi, yes. I've seen it before, not likely real.

Is part fixed well? Not slipping?

Have you put an indicator on the part to see how much runout + wobble(out of flat) you have?
These are mostly likely the culprits.
Make sure part is flat and indicated in - then run again - tell us what you get ...

Do you use the "Measure RT" option on every part? If not, I highly suggest learning and implementing it.

Are you scanning datums? If so what is form error on those in Calypso?

Good luck!


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This typically is due to part alignment errors. Is the part mechanically square to the machine axes' best condition?

What is the form error on your datums?

How many different stylus are you using to inspect this gear?

Have you checked other parts are they similar?

This might only be real if a part came loose or was loaded incorrectly, etc.

Good luck !
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Well it was as simple as recreating my base alignment.
Someone must have loaded a part incorrectly and it continued checking other parts with the skewed alignment.

sometimes it really is just the simple things that are overlooked and overthought

Thanks for the help!
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  • 4 weeks later...
Make sure you aren't running from Current Alignment either (unless you have some sort of secondary alignment that will take the error out for you).
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