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Table protocol for more than 12 measurements


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Hello all,
when I use the table protocol from ZEISS 12 measurements are shown.
Can someone tell me how I can expand the measurement protocol, I am thinking of further pages to shown more than 12 measurements.
// Winfried
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I can send you a blank 20 pc report template if you want. Its in the table format all you do is change the output from 12 to 20. I can email it to you just let me know...

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Have a look into the CALYPSO 2019 release info. With the redesign of the TableProtocol.ptx we have described the methods of expanding the table.
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Hello Guenter, I am not able to locate any reference regarding expanding the table for tableprotocol in 2019 release info. Would you be able to guide us to the exact location in that file?
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Sorry Tom,
it is described in the CALYPSO 2018 release info.
You should look for "Flexibly Extendable: TableProtocol.ptx" at page 81

You need minimum "TableProtocol.ptx" 6.6.xx

Open "TableProtocol.ptx" with the PiWeb reporting designer
Expand the page setting and apply it to the current report
Expand the size of the protocol element
Shift the page number label to the bottom (page: Master)
Save the report

Don't forget to reset the page size to your default settings
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By the way, with CALYPSO 2020 comes a new "TrendProtocol.ptx":
Trend analysis,
the most important statistical data,
simple data separation according to measurement attributes (order, cavity, tool ...)
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Hallo Günter,

your solution in in the CALYPSO 2018 release info "Flexibly Extendable: TableProtocol.ptx" at page 81.
I have tested. It is okay.
But one problem. 20 measurements were represented, but the number in the header is 21 ?!
(last 21 measurements and number of measurements)
Why or how can I edit ?
Please see the attachment.

Best regards Winfried from PU Schmalkalden


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Hello Winfried
The automatic will print so many coloum as they complete fit into the protocol element
It seems to be that the last coloum do not fit in your increased size of the protocol element. Increase the page size more than A3 or reduce the right sheet margin

A new TrendProtoco.ptx is coming in CALYPSO 2020. This makes it easy to present a series of numbers as a trend. Separating data or increasing the number of measurements is much easier


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