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CNC Alignment issues


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I am fairly new here, hopefully you can make sense of this.
I had a program sent to me by one of my colleagues in Germany. I am located in the US.
I am trying to run it today for the first time.
When I run the manual alignment everything is fine, but when it goes to run the CNC of that alignment the CMM moves to the upper limit and I get an error. (Contura: 9 Outer end positions - command ignored255)
The RDS needs to change to a different angled sensor so it moves +Z then gets this error.
What can I do to stop this. I've tried what I know to no avail.
Thank you.
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Go here: Plan--> Navigation-->Rotate/Swivel Position
make sure the position point makes sense for your CMM. If they had more range in Z, they may have set it too high for you.
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Thanks Keith,
Rotate/Swivel Position is set to Off. I normally just rely on clearance planes, but something is funky here, not quite understanding what is going on.
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Look in the BA features for points that don't belong. If a point got accidently generated inside one of those features and it's way up in Z, I've had that happen once or twice. The only other thing that comes to mind would be a CNC end park position. Why it would be there, who knows? Worth taking a look.
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Are you using cad Model program?. I have observed like this when I was using CAD Model program, my alignment was flipped.
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