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Curve vs constructed free form


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I have a scan done by 2D curve and I used this scan to construct a free form by " features - special geometries - free form surface, then recall feature points - select the scanned curve "
under same alignment, the output of these two results are very different. Anyone could help me to find out why it is wrong and what is the correct way? Thanks. 2662_f5ecd6c50c778e68d37619e77843789d.jpg
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  • 4 weeks later...
I've already experienced things like that, I'd be interested knowing how Calypso calculate referencial based on curve and freeform. Filters and rejection might be interesting too ! If anyone is experienced with this or get some documents =)

For your problem, are the 4 characteristics in the same referencial ?
Filters and rejections are set on with the same parameters ?
You may active graphic view and then spot where is the default ?

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