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Ram Travels to Max +Z then Red Light


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Hi! I think I may have seen a similar problem on forum but can't seem to find it now.
Have a Qualification plan similar to old ones, when it gets to last step of third Probe System Qualification ( a result element with formula for standard deviation), the ram moves away from qualification sphere, almost stops as normal, and then goes all the way to +Z, and throws a red light while "Printout will be generated" splash shows with partial listing of reports. Only after I select Resources > Multiple reports does it complete report list and display both the Custom Report and Standard Protocol. This did not use to occur, even after we upgraded to Calypso 2017 (6.4) and Windows 10. Screenshots are attached for reference. None of our other Measurement Plans do this as far as I know. Thanks a bunch in advance for any suggestions.

End of Qual Ram in Stop.JPG

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Plan - Navigation - CNC end park position

Make sure it is empty other than a Z+ move. seems like someone stuck a XYZ coordinate move in there and your machine is trying to travel somewhere outside its work envelope.

Again............. when PCD travels outside its work envelope (which happens when you have 5 machines of all different sizes running the same programs) it just stops and waits, you can actually hit a 'skip' button to move on and continue the program (or end in this case). Why does Calypso make such a big deal about an overtravel? It's just a soft stop, not like the machine is actually smashing itself.
Are you reading this Zeiss? Quit making work envelope a red light situation!!
And if it must be, why cant you throw a "You have hit the X limit" message so an operator knows whats going on with the red light.


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I have experience this like problem in my programming, root cause was my alignment was flipped (my CAD model was flipped).

In your case ,I smell a rat in navigation, I hope you are running with out clearance plane....
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