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Taper Profile


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How would you go about measuring profile of a taper? Currently we are using "Form" to determine profile but this is obviously not the same. I believe our programmer was not able to use profile when selecting the taper? Thanks for any help!
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Yes ID taper. I briefly looked at the characteristics. It looks like there's only a profile selection. The drop down menu has various ways to evaluate it but each result looks drastically off.
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I remember the golden words of my professor Walter Lewin"measurement without the knowledge uncertainty is meaningless".
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It might be, but typical inch drawings would be shown as ".002" instead of "0.002".

In his case, I would hope so. Otherwise, he has 1 micron of directional error allowed.
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Well, as first step I would contact the designer to ask what he wants to control.

Then you have to check if the machine is able to give a useful result. The error of a Prismo machine is around of 0.0008 (RONt) and there are other factors to consider like the quality of the probe, the scanning method, filters,etc.

I have a program with the same tolerance (only for research), so in my case I have noticed the following:
- I cannot use filter.
- I cannot use probes bigger than 10 mm diameter.
- I have to measure at low scanning speed.
- The quality of the probe is very important, mainly the material and the connections.
- The scanning method could be affected by the change of moving axis of the probehead (mainly on Z).
- if the characteristic allows best fit you could decrease the linear uncertainty.
- you have to measure several times to estimate uncertainty.
- temperature has very big influence if there is no best fit.
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That profile is basically the max deviation ×2 from the Nominal geometry.

Since you don't have the reference values in the drawing, I would apply bestfit (ask to the designer).
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Sorry, but i think that you have a wrong drawn dimension in attached picture.
In Bilateral asymmetric interpretation should be dimension drawn from middle of tolerance size.

Please correct your picture for future. It can be confusing, how to set up this in Calypso ( which is interpreting just like your picture )

Example: 1,0 UZ -0,1 - Calypso: 1,0 / 0,4 or 1,0 / 0,6 depends on inner / outer.


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