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Position Call out with MMC on slot


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Ok I need a bit of advice. I have a position call out on a slot with MMC. Tight tolerance on width and +/-.2mm tolerance in length.
Question is when I report the slot position do I give an X only with the tight tolerance MMC and Y only with the +/-.2 MMC or do I report them in as one using the tight tolerance for MMC. Confused 😕 😕

Slot call out in Y.pngSlot call out in X.png

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It does nothing because it doesn't belong there. An elongated hole like this does not have a cylindrical tolerance zone. In fact it has a boundary at its virtual condition that the surfaces cannot violate. So the boundary has a similar shape to slot. It isn't a cylindrical shape. Before the 2009 standard you were actually required to include the word "BOUNDARY" below the feature control frame.
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