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Connection Failed to stylus database.


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Need help with this error
Warning appears when opening Calypso 2016....
Connection Failed to stylus database. Details on this can be found in log file SDOCconnnect.log in the directory.

???? So why do I have a connecting error to database?????
Where is the probe data base file?

Here is what the log says,
September 25, 2018 10:24:46.828 Error code: 0
Error connecting to the database with new admin at Zeiss.IMT.MUMCPP.SDO.TCOSystem..ctor(String ConfName, String Datapath, Boolean list)

at Zeiss.IMT.MUMCPP.SDO.MSensorSystem..ctor(String groupname, String pathname, Boolean list)

at Heeg.SdoProxy.Zeiss_IMT_MUMCPP_SDO_MSensorSystem_New02(SdoProxy* , return_type* vwReturnValue, Char* groupname, Char* pathname, Boolean list)
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These errors are often caused by a problem with the SQL Server. First try a reboot of the computer, this fixes it most of the time. If it doesn't, and the error comes all the time, check the access rights of the config folder and its subfolders and also the SQL Server installation/configuration. Make sure nobody else (IT?) has tampered with the SQL server or the access rights.

Btw. the probe database is in the config\equip\<machine> folder (every machine has its own) and is named sdodata.mdf and sdodata2.mdf
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i have had this before i would start with Norbert's suggestion.

If it still isn't fixed you can restart the SQL database. Just do a search from the start menu for sql and you should get the manager app.
make sure the software is closed...
click the sql server services on the left side. then right click the sdco server and restart it. see attached.

usually a restart will fix it but i have had to do this before as well. got this trick from someone at Zeiss.

sdco sql server.JPG

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  • 1 year later...
Ja UNMÖGLICH, IMPOSSIBLE.... zu reintallieren die Calypso.
Ich habe reinstalliert die Software um ich weiß nicht was zu tun um diese Fehler zu lösen.
All the time the same message:
Well, I have uninstall Microsoft SQL 2014, and the Calypso, all the package, so I made a clear installation of all.
Now the problem when I Connect the Machine disappeared, but now after the creation of Stylus *.SSC we have a new problem
With only 1 month more to prove the offline Planner.... What happen with the real License, too hard to install? We install here virtual machine, Database System in MySQL...., Operativ System Linux...but why is so hard with this simulator?3108_9c7a6021ad4625bdac4d5910d6f7f9e2.jpg
Which Graphic need I to restart???? (look the uuper left corner in the above picture)
I will test to import SSC Stylus with a Plan with a CAD model....Uhhhh nothing good, other problem, the software did not import CAD.
Well, we will install the Service Pack 6.8.12....and to wait for!!!
NOTHING....ServPack 6.8.12 and Update ZEISS_CALYPSO_2019_Patch_v6.8.1203.msp
and the same or similar ERROR
Well, ....so much errors for an installation... 3108_e8274b204c33151e3788a46dd47d26de.jpg
Now I will try with the error that constantly we got with the PC connected an CMM:
***********Scheme ACIS interface driver extension***************
Well, the same ERROR, it time to SAY goodby to offline Planner...in my Laptop
At the end....all are problem in my Graphic Card, I'm sure....an Intel....
Well, we need an NVIDIA or something with high performance....
We have uninstalled all in offline site again, but no good luck with the trial version of Planner.
Maybe in the dedicated PC if the manager decide to buy the license, but ....
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