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Piweb report, change decimal places for certain characteristics only.


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I have a report that is defaulted to 4 decimal places. However, we have a request to change 1 specific characteristic only to just use 3 decimal places in the report. I can't seem to get this to work. Can someone help? I am using Calypso 2017. The things I have tried:

1. Opening Resources, Characteristic Settings Editor, Units, Number of Decimal Places and changing it for that specific feature from 4 to 3. This makes the tag in the program itself show up in Green for a 0.0051" actual value with a 0.0050 Tolerance, as well as making the Pallet location show green in Autorun once I run the program instead of red for being 0.0001" out of max tolerance. However, when I print the report it still shows 4 decimals places for everything, all characteristics, nominals, tolerances, actuals, deviations etc.

2. I also tried to go to Results to File, PiWeb Reporting, Configuration, Managing Measurements. However when I click Managing Measurements button it does not open the screen that should show all the measured data like I have seen in posts elsewhere. I assume this is where I need to change it at to show.

Thanks in advance.
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