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Coronavirus COVID-19


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This is what all the health agencies are saying here based on the percentage of hospitalizations in other places they are saying approximately 20% of people who get the virus end up being hospitalized. Most recover but they are still hospitalized for some period of time.

They could certainly be wrong, but I figure they probably know better than me since you know.. they run hospitals.

But at the end of the day I am just a guy posting on a forum on the internet. If you are reading my numbers as your main source of information on whats going on you really shouldn't be.
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Company I work for is open and will continue to be open since we manufacture medical devices. A lot of people are not coming in though but all of quality is here working. I think I can get away with working from home on the CMM but since we don't have an offline seat, I have to be by the machine. :C
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I still don't really think the US is taking this seriously, some states have issued stay at home orders but the list of non-essesntial would be shorter then that they are considering essential. Everyone is still mostly going in to work. Unless you are working in the travel industry or a server at a restaurant still have to come in. We do make product for a wide range of industries including, defense, aerospace, medical, and infrastructure so we will most likely be open unless they do a much more strict quarantine. Im working from home part of the week and coming in other days, and we are not allowed to be on the floor at the same time as second shift employees to prevent spreading if we end up having a case.

Hope everyone stays safe out there, best of luck with the currently uncertain economic situation as well.
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Yeah the list of "Essential" places needs to be given the ol calibrated eyeball test to see who really NEEDS to be open
My wife just got laid off last week, she works at a candy & fudge shop that was allowed to stay open because it sold "Food".
Coffee shops are all open around me.
Factories need to be paired down to where people working on lined or departments not producing the "essential" product lines can be let off.
places like Home Depo & harbor freight need to limit their employees to 1 day on 1 day off.
Some way need to keep people from dragging their whole family of 6 out for a trip to the grocery store.......
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I'm in an "essential military supplier" company, they are pretty serious about cleaning. It won't help though, there are way too many people that just don't understand the concept of "social distancing". I share an office with another guy, we are pretty far apart and he's hardly in the office anyway but I had to ask him for a little more room a few times. He thought it was a good idea to be friendly and bring in a big plastic container filled with pretzels and leave them on a desk.... everyone and their uncle is coming in and sticking their hands in it... I won't go near it. It's the old zebra crossing the stream syndrome. It'll happen to the other guy, not me... until the 'gator grabs one by the leg and everyone starts jumping about, but when the commotion stops it's back to business as usual. I'm just waiting for the zombie apocalypse to start. 🤠
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Whats up fellow essentials. Sure is smoother drive to work with all those non-essentials out of the way. We are classified as an essential defense department supplier. The military still needs their turbos; but if you think about, doesn't everybody need a turbo?

Still think we are not handling this very well as a global population. If we would have been more prepared, then we could have had a more focused plan in place than shutting down the whole world. Think about the difference between a precision guided missile vs a carpet bomb. Both eliminate the target but one has a lot more collateral damage.
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They know they can't stop it at this time, the main idea is to slow it down to a manageable level. I read that the reason it's so bad is that we have no immunity to it at this point. One suggestion was that since it's not as lethal as the 1918 flu to just let it run it's course so we can develop a natural immunity to it. Hard to get that idea past the thousands of people dying though. Stay healthy guys and gals.
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I believe the main issue is it’s so contagious that it’s spread so easily and yeah, we’re just trying to keep the amount of people that can be medically helped to a number we can maybe control.
Its exponential spread is so massive that there’s no way on earth we could medically treat everybody affected so quickly and more would die 🙁 .

Exponential spread is best described using the penny equation most of us learned back in grade school.
If you had a choice of having ten thousand dollars given to you every day for 30 days or a penny that doubles in value every day for 30 days, which would you choose?
With $10K for 30 days you’d end up with $300K.
With a penny that doubles in value every day, you’d end up with $5 million.
The coronavirus is probably more than doubled every day, especially in large high-density cities.

That's why it's so important to keep the numbers low with social distancing and staying at home as much as possible.
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I watched a great video last night, but naturally I can't find it now. Someone went back over the last 15-20 years and found tons of clips of medical experts testifying before different government agencies about how unprepared we were for a pandemic just like this. The ideas were there, we just didn't listen.

Is anyone paying attention to how Sweden is handling this? Its pretty cool. I'm not sure a phrase like "be responsible" would work in America, but it's cool to see someone doing it.
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Has Zeiss done anything for people working from home/laid off?

We are still working (for now), but I figure if I can't stay busy, I will go nuts pretty quick. It would be nice to have some training videos to watch or something.

Hexagon is letting anyone have a temporary offline license for PC-DMIS for the duration, as well as free online courses. All free until June 2020.
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Its hard to miss, the goverment have spent all of our tax money (tax pressure is about 70%, yes 70%) on gender equality and feminism. So the doctors and nurses are forced to make their own protective visors out of over head paper.
No wonder the morons leave's the responsible to the people. Then they cant be blamed. Btw, they cant be prosecuted, I think they remove that option for them self in the 80's. Totally free of responsible...

They also talk about how "only" elderly people dies. Like they are worth shit. Makes me so angry, I wish to see our prime minister in the end of a rope in a lamp post. Well, they dont work and contribute anymore. So the socialist goverment dont care if they die. They only cost money in their eyes. Sweden used to be one of the best countries in the World to live in, but during the last 20 years, man, you would not belive me!

One example, illigal immigrants (No legal reason to even be in this country, support them selfs by selling drugs and commiting crimes) has a bigger shot of getting a respirator then a 55 year old woman that have worked and paid taxes since she was 16. Im sure shes proud of this country.

I remember this feminist theater group making a show where they, dressed as bums, dry humped the floor for one and a half hour. Tax payers spent 1 000 000 SEK on that. Wasn't a "block buster" to no ones supprise...

10 SEK is roughly 1 USD.

My personal favourite, an art gallery with art for worms. Not pictures of worms. The art was supposed to be attractive in the eyes of the worms. I guess many worm families visited that show. Tax money spent: 100 000 SEK

I just hope there will be chaos resulting in anarchy. I have a long list of traitors to haul behind the volvo until only the rope is left.

/The dissident
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  • 4 weeks later...
I live in Illinois. There are so many libs here who would rather not work and let the government run their lives that we will probably never open.

Lucky for me, this COVID thing has not impacted my job yet.
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Ours is changing from "stay at home" to "safer at home" at the start of next week. Kind of seems like we are going to be coming out of this soon and just live with the fact that the virus is out there. I'm fortunate to have been able to work out a schedule with my company and have only lost out on the amount of overtime hours I was doing before COVID-19. A mix between working from home for home schooling and coming in on days I have someone else with my daughter. Very unfortunate for those people that have lost their jobs during this I know some people won't be getting them back at the end of it. At some point this is going to ruin people's lives due to financial problems if we don't figure something out soon.
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Here in Denmark we closed a lot of things down very fast. Restaurants, schools, daycare and all non-critical employess of the government were to work from home. Almost all private companies had people working from home or made ekstra space between all workspaces.

We have started to open up slowly now.
Daycare, schools for the youngest, hairdressers, tatooshops, physiotherapist and similar has opened as well.
Rumor is that from 10th of may it will be allowed to gather up to 500 people in one place. Currently maximum is 10.
Most people are doing great keeping distance in public going to the groceryshops.
I think we are handling the situation very well in Denmark, but even if we open up all of Denmark it won't help the majoriry of the big companies that rely on export.
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It seems like most people online think that we are quarantining to completely eradicate the virus. Or to stay in quarantine until there is a vaccine. I'm under the impression it is to simply not overload hospitals. If the hospitals aren't over ran, I think it's time to slowly open the economy back up. If you are vulnerable to the disease, stay inside. You might be stuck there for awhile.

I don't think it's plausible to wait for a vaccine. There is a real possibility that this virus has or could mutate into 10+ strains. The economic downfall will probably lead to more deaths than the virus will. Just look at suicide rates alone.

Also, how insane is it that ANY death where the patient has COVID-19 is attributed to the total death count of COVID? Yeah, this guy was obese, diabetic, had cancer, 60 years old, and had COVID. Cause of death: COVID.
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I agree 100%. No common sense here. Quarantine the high risk, and let the rest get back to work.
Then invade China, execute all their political leaders that kept this from the World. The USC study
shows that the actual mortality rate is around 0.2%. STOP BUYING ANYTHING MADE IN CHINA!
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What happened to the story about antibody testing in NY state ? 14% of the 3k people tested positive, presumably asymptomatic. They extrapolated that 27 million in NY state alone were potentially infected (unknowingly). That really puts mortality rates in perspective.
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A good way to weaken someones immune system is to put them in a box and clean that box all the time with lysol and then make sure that person has no contact with any humans for an extended period of time. Immune systems need to be tested to be strong. They are anti-fragile.

It is almost as if quarantine may have some unintended consequences.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Found out we have our first positive case of Covid-19.
But it is business as normal throughout the plant, no real changes, still required to wear a mask and going to start checking temperatures week after next. (why not start checking them today, they have the equipment and training already)

Hope you all are safe and healthy
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Pretty sure Sweden will win most death per capita in Europe. A win is a win, right?

...wish I could force your "leaders" to look the old and weak in the eyes, make em explian why this homicide goes on.
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