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What's the best way to create this datum?


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Hello all,

I'm trying to create DatumC from this print and check if it's parallel to another plane, but the plane that is created from the 4 points is perpendicular to the plane I need to compare to instead of parallel. I want to be able to create an intersection or symmetry, but I can't seem to figure this out for whatever reason. Any help is appreciated as always!

The Print: 2084_7da954e0e031dbc044ab28201e894477.png
How I have the part orientated on the CMM: 2084_70c565935be43bb143231474ee7dc9db.png
The part turned so it matches the print view: 2084_1bf4944faf78868e7579eec5639284a0.png
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Never done anything like this, but I think I would create a symmetry point between points one and two, and another between three and four. Then I would recall those symmetry points into a 3D line.
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I would do symmetry points at the Xs and then recalling a line through the symmetry points. just make sure they are at the same height.
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It should have had fully defined location for the "X's" with Basic values from Datum -A- and -B-
It really can't be check based on the print you provided. It marks that the position of for measurement is at the X's but with out defining the location it can't be check to the print note.

You would check it with two sets of Symmetry points and a 3D axis recalled between the two Symmetry points
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