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Probe Qual - Yellow, warning


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Hello all,

I'm a little confused about my probe qual's, one of my probes checks out ok by our standards but shows up yellow instead of green on our 3mm probe (L-saped probe). I checked the warning limits (set to 100%) and the limit values within CMM Config. and I cannot find an issue. The only thing I can think of left is the rigidity, its always given me a warning window but no yellow icon.

I've attached a screenshot as well as our Qual Report. Maybe I missed something simple.

Thanks for reading!

Probe Qual__2263.pdfScreenshot_1.png

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Hi Andre,

When you use "Stylus system qualification", if you delete any tip in "Selected styli" list, it gonna be a yellow one.
So I think it is a special characteristic that cares about qualification or not rather than styli values.

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Thank you, Jonas!

I checked to see if any probes have been missing qualification and it turns out my A75 probe was missing qual (Still an unknown reason) and my A105 probe was re-named. I've re-placed the probes back into the qualify section and it seems to be working.

I knew I missed something.
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