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I am currently having an issue with my radius correction not working. I am checking a part that has two datum points called out on a splined surface. I extracted the points from the model and check them and created a 3d-line (this is used to check some of the true positions and profiles for my part). I got really bad results and through some digging around i found out that my points were almost exactly .088" (half of my stylus) off in y. It obviously didn't do the stylus radius correction and i cannot for the life of me figure out why this morning.


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I have in the past, had points that I extracted from the model, actually get extracted
from the surface below the one I clicked on. Have you looked at the model?
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yes the model and points were correct, I double checked it with our Machine Programmer. I used a 2d-line instead of a 3d-line and got good results from that. The points still read wrong but the line which is the important part came out good
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i assume you construct the 3d line with recall feature points, right?
if yes, that's the problem. with recall feature point, calypso create the 3d line with center point, then apply radius compensation, it's not in the right direction, i guess the compensation made along the 3d line.
so, i think you could have a try constructing 3d line with recall.
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