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Stylus System Creator isn't showing CAD view


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Hey gang. I recently got a Calypso Planner seat (finally) and I'm really excited to use it. I realized I need to build all of my probes in .ssc format to get actual geometry in order to simulate collisions. Unfortunately, when I open the Stylus System Creator on my planner computer, it doesn't show any models of the components I'm selecting. It let's me select all of the components and when I click on the "Edit stylus system properties" or "generate PDF" buttons it still shows the CAD preview and I can see the build there. When I first open the software, I can see the trihedron in the corner and the light green sphere in the middle of the CAD view for the first connection, but as soon as I click in the CAD view all of that disappears. It's like it's still building the CAD but the view is glitched so I can't see anything.

My PC meets the system reqs and so far Calypso itself has functioned just fine. I've messed with all of the view settings and tried the "fit view" and all of that but nothing shows up in the CAD window.

I really need the visual reference to build my probes though. There are so many components to choose from sometimes the CAD view is the only way I know I'm selecting the correct ones. The Creator works just fine on my CMM PC so I'll just have to use that if I can't fix this, but that kind of defeats the purpose of having a Planner seat.

If anyone has had a similar experience and can share a solution, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
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We have a similar issue in Planner, we have spoken with several people at Zeiss and received an email that this bug will be fixed in the next software release.
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