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Base Alignment - Loop


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I've have never gone as low as (<.0003). I generally use between <.001, to <.0005, and 2 - 3 iterations
depending on my parts tolerance, geometric shape and how robust the Base Alignment and fixture are.

So, those values would change based on several factors, like;

1] A very simple base alignment (Plane/line/point), a solid fixture, holding a part similar in shape to a 1-2-3
block, I wouldn't even loop the BA.

2] A non-prismatic part with multiple complex datums, made up of multiple features with very tight tolerances,
I'd use <.0005 & 3 iterations.
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The number is in whatever unit you've got the program set to report in.
Keep in mind that if it doesn't reach the condition in three tries (as you have it set to) it will continue to run the program and you'll never know it didn't meet the condition if you don't report it.
You can set it to 100 times but, I believe I've been told Calypso only does it like up to 50 and still continues to finish the program afterward.

I believe you can use PCM or conditions to stop it if it doesn't reach the condition but, I've never had to try it.
Why Zeiss doesn't make it stop with at least a warning automatically as part of the system, I don't know, it would be nice.
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I think you can create a result element with formula(basesystem) and tolerance that would at least report it.
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It seems to work directly entered in the Base alignment dialog. Maybe it's different if you right click and assign loop. IDK
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