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Qualification Program - Master Probe


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If I add the Master Probe into my qualification program, and it runs prior to any other stylus systems, will it update the location of the reference sphere for the rest of the run?

I just use the "probing system qualification" characteristics under resources-> utilities.
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It should be updating, that said it should be pretty easy to check this to make sure.

Just calibrate manually and then write down the position of the Reference Sphere. (or just take a quick screenshot of it)

Now just move the Reference Sphere very slightly - perhaps use a 0.005 shim to shift it.

Then run your Master Probe from your qualification program.

Once it finishes running, go and look at the position of the reference sphere. Has it moved? If so then it is updating.
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.... But Derek, I just want someone smart to tell me the answer 😜

I'll attempt this tomorrow.
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The answer is: Yes it updates. (Tested a long time ago with Derek's method)

/Someone smart 😉
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I get an error when doing this.
I use 3 Calibrations spheres to calibrate my Probes tips on all my Machines.
I Cal each sphere at the first of the program in order sphere 1,2,3. If I have not done a reference sphere position after tuning the machine off and back on. The first Stylus System calibrates with no problems uses the Sphere 3(The last one checked by the Program). When it tries to calibrate the next Stylus System I get a sphere data error. It is trying to use Sphere 1 I need to do some more testing. Just need a lot more time. I think that I will need to Cal the sphere before it tries to use that sphere to calibrate? I also haven't look at the cal data for each sphere it maybe isn't updating sphere reference data? Or there is a problem with 6.4 calypso?
The only thing is why does it check the first Stylus System?
I Run 6.4 service Pack 28 on all CMM's.
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But it should be reestablished by the Cal Program probing the master probe on each Sphere.
And it does check all 3 before it starts to calibrating the Stylus Systems.
Like I said you get the first calibration from the first Stylus System on the last sphere qualified.
Still have not had time to look at it yet.
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