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(Help Needed) Incorrect BestFit with revolution piece.


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Good Morning.

I've got some issues doing the BestFit of one of three samples.

In the first image you can see a correct BestFit of one piece, and in the other image you can see that the same piece but other sample doesn't do BestFIt correctly.

I tried to do Local BestFit but i'm unable to achieve it.

Anyone knows how to rotate the mesh? Or do a proper BestFit?





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Hallo Victor,

während der Erstellung der Bestfit - Ausrichtung hast du die Möglichkeit, einen zusätzlichen Hilfspunkt anzugeben. Diesen wählst du als Soll-Punkt auf den Soll-Daten und an gleicher Stelle als Ist-Punkt auf den Ist-Daten.

Dies hilft dem Programm beim Finden einer Bestfit - Ausrichtung.



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Additional hint: If the part has a complete rotational symmetry then you can "increase" search time to high. This often finds also the "expected" solution. But if there is only a small feature which makes the rotation unique the proposed way for an additional help point is strongly recommended.

If both improvements do not lead to the "correct" result use a different initial alignment method, e.g. 'Alignment by 3 points' and create an additional 'Local Bestfit by nominal element' based on the initial alignment.

Hope this helps?!



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In this case I use to work in this way:

- construct nominal point on the CAD in the position showed in the image;

- preallignment with normal time and without additional help point;

- measure the actual point on the mesh using the touch point on selection (edge);

- link the nominal point with the actual point using the "link to actual element" measuring principle;

- construct the necessary element for doing a geometric element alignment (for example cylinder and a plane)

- make the geometric element alignment using also the point I measured with the touch point for put the mesh in the correct direction.

- Make a local best fit selecting all the mesh (something like a second preallignment, since now you have the mesh in the correct direction)


I hope I explained myself.CopyQ.XnmSMI.png.615e9c9a6e2ef0fbb5fd23b2e6117952.png

NB: the red rectangles are the selection for make the tocuh point on selection (edge)

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