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Best Fit Bore Pattern Help


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Hello all, I don't have to use this feature much, but we're getting more and more parts that have this same kind of setup, so I would like to use it more often instead of doing them one by one. I have everything setup, but I'm having some issues with the rotation/translation coming out correctly. Any help is appreciated. Here are the callouts and what I have so far:

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When I report the True Positions separately, they come out fine, but the locations are not showing as 21.95mm away from the center of the 13.125 dia. I would prefer to report the True Position from the rotation at 45º so it lines up like in Pic1.png and reports the correct distance from the bore.

In the spec callout, DatumA is the 13.125 Inside Diameter and DatumB is the Spotface (in this case it's the plane because we don't need a spotface due to the finish of the outside of the block).
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