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True Pos and best fit


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Hello guys.

Can you please help me with this. I need to check true position of thoose 4 x M3 holes. The engineers are pretty sure that the holes are in spec but cmm says the are not. I was asked for best fit but to be honest I do not know how to do it. My aligment is plane A then circle D in XZ and roatation in Circle E. What is the best method to check this true pos ? Sorry for sh*t drawing. 280_28e1ca41f8adb4159339c7f5b5488256.jpg
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Are you looking for GD&T requirements for evaluation or a Calypso-specific strategy for how to create a best-fit characteristic?
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Because your FCF is only to AD & AE, rotating to DE may be over constraining the part, which could make a good part show bad.
If you feel the need to constrain rotation (i wouldn't), use the M3 holes on each side to do so, that way everything stays local.
i would also suggest using thread locators or maybe even (Gasp) cap screws in the holes, as tiny holes are generally made using taps instead of thread milling, and will look like crap under magnification.
Additionally make sure your "additional position results" is turned on, that way you can see your X&Y locations compared to nominal.
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Agree with the potential for over-constraining AND additional positional result. Over-constraint is still somewhat likely because Calypso will inherit the base alignment - which is locked in rotation by -E-. But, let's not worry about that for now.

In your position strategy, use the "Best Fit of Bore Pattern" button at the top. Your feature will now be a Bore Pattern. Click on that bore pattern to open a new window. The rest is fairly straightforward, but I'll suggest you uncheck "Translation" for evaluating the pattern; the two holes at each datum aren't constrained in rotation. From your print, you'll do this twice - once for each pair of holes. Additionally, I suggest you include a separate characteristic for each (4) hole position to -ADE- for machine reference.

Hope this helps.
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  • 1 year later...
Sutton's post is great! Thank you!
while, i have a question about step 9, why translation is also permitted? in my view, it is constrained by datum B.
Could anyone please explain me the reason?
thanks in advance!
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Datum D and E is in the play.

Two different DRF's:

1.) AD means rotatory fit only of two threads (left side)
2.) AE means rotatory fit only of two threads (right side)
No translatory fit.

There is no common request.
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