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Drawing Numbering


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Hello to everyone,

What kind of program do you use for drawing numbering? It takes me a lot of time to do it manually. I think it will be faster on the computer. Can you suggest a program.
Thank you
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For free, using the stamp function with Adobe Acrobat Reader DC works, its just annoying the first time making all of the bubbles.

If you are wanting to spend money, Discus is one of the most advanced ballooning softwares I've ever seen.
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Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is not useful for this job. I did some research and found the following programs. Now I will have to make a selection by examining the programs. And yes we will spend some money.

Inspection Manager Professional
QA-CAD LT 2020 - QA Stamping Software
HighQA Inspection Manager –PDF Drawing Ballooning Automation
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We use Inspection Manager Pro by High QA. It is a decent software that not only bubbles the prints but will control your tool database for creating the reports. Highly recommend the software
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I can vouch for Inspection Xpert as well. It works well, and interfaces with Excel reliably.

I used it full time for ~a year before I started on CMMs. Not perfect, but really solid.
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Inspection Xpert partnered with Solidworks. Solidworks Inspection is an "upgraded" version of Xpert. Unfortunately our old Xpert files don't like the new Solidworks Inspect.
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I downloaded the QA Cad 2020 program as a demo and it is very fast and successful only for numbering. It has a price of up to $ 800.
I think we will concentrate on this program as it will see my work.

Inspection Manager Professional It is a very comprehensive program but it has a price of $ 6000. I will have to work hard to convince

Ekran Alıntısı.JPG

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We use Excel for this.
Sorry about the German version of Excel.
Load the image (.tif) of the drawing into a sheet and then we use shapes.
The first time you use the shape, it will be formatted
(color, with or without fill, text color, text size and the first number)
and then copy/past the shape and write second number.


2020-03-06 16_16_30-Mappe1 - Excel.png

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Am I the only one who can't believe they never thought of pulling a print into excel by converting it to a .tif. I think this is a great idea.
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