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3D camera hardware for GOM correlation


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I would like to ask if it is necessary to use Aramis 3d Camera with GOM Correlate can I replace it with another  camera type?  if yes could it be mentioned thanks for your help in advance

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Hi Omar,

in the SW Correlate you can only inspect measurement series. You can chose different ways to create this measurement series.

For a 2D measurement you can use mostly any pictures. It's recommended to be a 8-Bit image. This images can created in nearly each way you like to.

For a 3D measurement you need a calibrated system. You must have the image series of both cameras and the compatible calibrate file from your measuring volume. Therefor, it's necessary to use a GOM System with ARAMIS or the exception Photron cameras (highspeed) but also with a calibrated volume. Of course we offer two different types of stereo camera systems. One with a fix frame (3D Camera) and one with an adjustable slider for each camera (adjustable Base).  

I hope this helps. 

Greetings, Ivan

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