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End park position


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Im curious on how everyone uses the End Park Position, specifically with XXT RDS. We had issues in the past where a mini plan was being executed and the and when the program finished the CMM tried to rotate into the table. When the End park position was completed it was though the stylus was in A=0, B=0, but a mini plan was created and the program finished with B=90.

Im curious how everyone is using End Park Position and which option they are using.


End park position.gif

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I would recommend a park position like below:

Z+ Clearance plane move
"MK" Move to a set place on the CMM
Rotate to 0,0

Note the "MK" move (The third button) is in MACHINE COORDINATES, assuming the MASTER PROBE is attached. This is GOOD, VERY GOOD, because your part location on the table and active stylus will not affect the location of the move. Choose a place clear of obstructions with the head rotated in any location.
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I like using end park position in several situations but mostly for loading and unloading parts. Having the machine move or articulate for me and get out of the way to get the next part running is great.
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I have all my programs move to a location "high, center, and to the rear" at the end of every program.
I use the MK button like Ryan said, and i have a post it note with my position in Inch and MM, so i can manually type in the exact coordinates, so every program stops at the same place.
I have an XT so i dont have the head movement that you XXT users have.
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