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Can you pull dimensions out of a cylinder


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Hey All,
We are proving a new process on a new machine. The Datum A cylinder in one end is 1.573 +.000/-.001 X 8.00" long. I have 5 circles to check of taper and everything. Is there a way to just create a cylinder with 5 circles and pull the diameter of each circle? or do I have to just have 5 circles on the cylinder and recall points into a cylinder. Just trying to try something new.
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Open a new Circle from the Features Menu
Recall Feature Points and right click the Cylinder. In the menu select Open.
You should get a listing of all the Circle Paths for that Cylinder. Select the Path that you are interested in.
Lather Rinse Repeat
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I submitted a request several years ago to make the size of each diameter measured reported on the cylindricity plot like location is now for each but, I don't believe I heard anything from it. 164_7de7b3f8ca2f7bc2e419ac55a6ea1d9d.png
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