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Ziess VISTA 1620-14 DCC


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I purchased one of these CMM's and after setting it up i cant get it to 'home" out. Also it moves really slow in the "X" "Y" "Z" When Calypso boots up and i get the "please move the CMM to a clear spot" then hit the home button the "Z" jerks a little then i get Alarm number "167 Travel command not ended normally MECHKA open" Im just trying to see if this unit is working correctly before i have Zeiss Come in and Calibrate it... To turn on the Drives i push the "M" button? I have a "X" "Y" "Z" buttons that seem like there a lock of some sort. It engages something when i push them..
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The MECKA is the probe signal, do you have a module/stylus on the head when homing? What head is on this MH10i with TP20? or something else? Either way, you will need a module/stylus on the machine.

This generation of CMM does move very slowly until homed, so that is normal.

To get the drives on, all you need to do is push the 'M" button as you said, then home through the calypso interface.
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