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Differences in True Postion


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Hello Tom,

Thank you for your reply.

If a customer asks me for a value which value should I be reporting to them?
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The result without the (M). I've seen posts on how to edit this result out of the report but I can't locate them.
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I have just one more question, the ones without (M) changes it's tolerance by itself.

for example- I have a TP of 0.200 and have a MMC on it.
Checked it on the CMM and got 0.254 while the tolerance increased too 0.451.

If I do report 0.254, it's out of spec (to our customers). Is this something Claypso does by itself and is so, can it be changed (the tolerance)
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QC-Calc Realtime can handle a variable true position with mmc. You have to create a combined plot, the software has instructions and it isn't difficult to do. The only changes you will have to make to your program is you need to report, x,y (if your tp is in xy) location of feature, the size of the mmc feature and the true position. It will take these 4 sets of data to create a combined plot and it will give you a cpk calculation of the TP with mmc.
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That's how MMC works and should not be out of spec for your customers. You gained .251 of bonus tolerance from your feature because of the size of the feature and its' tolerance.
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calypso will automatically report the co-ordinate feature xyz whatever it would be, you have to select additional print out from characteristic feature setting editor, then select true position ON. It would save lot of time.
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This doesn't help if you are trying to create the plot with MMC and calculate a cpk, QC-Calc Real-Time needs to get the data for x,y and size. It doesn't take any time to check 3 boxes instead of two.
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Is there is any option to calculate cpk value without the use of QC calc Real time. I have piweb,but don't know it will workout.
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I have to have it export all data to QC-Calc, Because all the other equipment feeds data to the QC calc charts as well and its all on one report instead of getting 1 report from the Zeiss, 1 from keyence, 1 from hand tools, and so on.
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Just so you are aware, PiWeb SBS/Enterprise can handle all of those tasks, and it much more visually appealing/user appealing.

I was a user of QC-CALC for a few years before PiWeb Enterprise launched. All it took was one demo, and we never looked back.
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The problem is we have a ton of QC-Calc licenses from years ago and getting this company to change at this point is impossible.
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