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Runout to 2 Datum Features


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LSC,MCC,intersection point,constraint to datum or not.
The result of total runout is always the same.
Regarding the plane,not the cylinder.
See attached.
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I don't quite understand what you're trying to say. I believe you trying describe the top view below but I feel the bottom view is correct, but you failed to explain how to use 2 datums in a characteristic that only allows 1 datum in Calypso.
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I have this on a lot of our parts. What works for me is : Constructing a 'Perpendicular'. Perhaps Calypso should consider allowing an axial and radial datum inside a runout characteristic. This should work for a circle and plane or a cylinder and plane.
Be sure to select the correct runout evaluation of course, axial or radial.

Let me know if this helps.
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I like the concept of using an OTE cylinder as the Primary datum feature, with it constrained to an OTE plane. Thank you Phillip.

The problem with using a Perpendicular construction (remember, from the mid-point of Feature 1, perpendicular to Feature 2), when you select the cylinder as Feature 1 in order to get the mid-point of the axis, you can't select a plane feature for Feature 2. If you reverse the order, it works but the 3d line it constructs is from the mid-point of the plane, perpendicular to the cylinder axis. It does work with a circle as Feature 1, but then you lose the ability to capture the Virtual Condition cylinder.
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i have a similar problem with runout to A/C .For example 0.01/A/C. A is a plane. C is a Cylinder. I always create Perpendicular construction. But this method works when i select first Cylinder and second plane. It is correct?
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