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Calypso Error Message


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When I am going to start my program I get the following error:

28 Nominal position not in measurement range - commands cancelled - risk of collision

Anyone know what this could be? I've checked over everything, and I cant seem to find anything that appears wrong to me. As soon as I hit start to run the program this appears.
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Is your clearance cube set too small (i.e. your features first nominal point is outside of your cube)? Is your part too close to any of the machine edges? Were you able to set a manual alignment?
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Clearance cube is good, and the part is pretty centered up on the machine so I don't think it is that either. I tried setting my manual alignment and then it gives me the same message directly after. I have also tried the "execute manual run" in the base alignment tab.
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I don't see anything that looks wrong on the nominals, especially not on the first feature that it should be checking.
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Are you running on Current Alignment or are you having it repeat your base alignment in CNC mode?

If Current Alignment - Your problem is directly related to the feature that it is trying to measure after your alignment (which depends on if you are running From Feature List or From Characteristic List).
If repeating base alignment - Your problem is directly related to your Top Plane feature.
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I get an error at the start with every option, so what could be the problem with the Top Plane feature? It's just a flat plane taking 14 points all around and the nominals look fine.
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If you get an error while running in Current Alignment, then Calypso will not measure Top Plane and thus that is not the source of your error. That would make me think that it is a general alignment error. You can try going into Resources - Feature Settings Editor to spot something that may need to be adjusted on the feature side. If you're comfortable with it I wouldn't mind taking a look at the program myself, it's easier to diagnose.
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So I have come across what I believe is the problem now, when I went into "execute manual run" again because I closed it and wanted to try starting over. This photo is what I got in my actuals after I did that, I am using a CAD model if that helps but I just don't understand how the numbers are so big and why the machine thinks it is where it says.


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Try this out. Instead of going into your base alignment window and executing a manual run, press the main Run button (little CMM with a green play button on it). On the Start Measurement window that pops up, use the drop-down menu on the left hand side and, at the very top, select Manual Alignment. Now press Start and it should prompt you to begin manual probing. After you finish all of your features, let's see if your error persists.
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Try running your program in step mode. That'll give you an additional window with a lot of info on what's going on, and you can move through every step until the error occurs. Hopefully that'll enable you to determine where exactly it tries to go beyond the limits and why.
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Same issue, wont start after I complete the manual alignment and this time the following error message was:

205 command/macro=syntax error or unknown expression

Could it be a bad CAD file? I always use CAD files but when I had those actuals it was like the machine had no clue where anything was. I also selected to see the probe on the screen and it is nowhere to be found.
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I had never used step mode before, is that basically like a "single block" on CNC machines?

I did it though and as soon as I was finished doing my manual alignment it wanted to move to ridiculous numbers like I have in the actuals on the photo above. So how did the machine get these big numbers, I assume it has to be a CAD model problem right??
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What are the actual values on your Back Right Cylinder? Your X and Y values don't "really" matter on your Top Plane because it is only being used to set your level and Z origin.

It looks like the Cylinder has a countersink. Stupid question - Are you making sure that you are not hitting that?

Can we see the strategy menu on your Top Plane?
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Okay here is my X and Y values for the Back Right Cylinder, they are also WAY off in the actuals. Also no I am not hitting the countersink while doing that. Here is the strategy for the Top Plane as well, but it is just probing points.


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It isn't just your X&Y, look at your A1/A2, Diameter, and Depth. The reason you are seeing absurd values in Y is because of your Y/Z at almost 90 degrees and you are setting your origin there. Your Z+ cylinder is measuring as an axis practically along Y, and setting your Y origin on an axis along Y will give bogus data.

Are you taking your manual hits properly on the cylinder (3/4 hits per level, 2+ levels)? Check to make sure that you are not shanking out.

Try a manual alignment with a different (known to be calibrated) probe tip.

How does it run when you take it offline and simulate?
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I just checked both of these and I see nothing wrong. I believe it has something to do with the machine not knowing where the part is, in one of the photo's above you can see my "actual" numbers are very big. I don't know how it is getting these numbers or how to fix it?
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your part is out side the machines Volume.
If that not it then you need to look at your blocked edges look like?
It should look like the picture if it doesn't it is flipping your Base Alignment
There are some fixes if this is happening


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THANK YOU! I got it, it was not taking the cylinder in 2+ levels while manually probing it. Something very stupid of me, I should have known better, but I swear in the past I have not done that and it works fine. Weird

Also I have never taken a program offline and simulated it, so I am actually unfamiliar with doing that.

Again thank you for your help!
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