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Automatic calibration of complex probe systems


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The problem is as follows. We have many probe systems that calibrate automatically, but there are still complex probes that have to be calibrated manually. We need to include them in the program for automatic calibration, but we have a collision with a sphere. Is it possible to indicate the access points for these probes? Or is it possible to solve this problem somehow differently?
Проблема в седующем. У нас много щуповых систем которые калибруются в автоматическом режиме, но есть еще сложные щупы, которые приходится калибровать вручную. Нам необходимо включить их в программу для автоматической калибровки, но у нас происходит столкновение со сферой. Возможно ли указать точки подхода для этих щупов? Или возможно как то по другому решить эту проблему?


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Your sketch shows the stylus not probing normal (to the correct vector) on the ref sphere. I would think that as
long as the stylus system allows for physical clearance of the RS, and the initial probing point is taken at the
correct vector, it should work. Have you tried a smaller RS?

Ваш эскиз показывает стилус не зондирования нормального (к правильному вектору) на рефери сферы. Я думаю, что, как
до тех пор, как система стилуса позволяет физический зазор RS, и начальная точка зондирования берется на
правильный вектор, он должен работать. Вы пробовали меньше RS?
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In the old forum a very long time ago i had a similar problem, but i have no way of finding that post now.
I have a custom machined aluminum block with a Right, Left, Front, Rear star on one end, and a single down probe on the other end.
The problem was that i couldn't stop the program from wiping out the down probe (Both probes needed to be similar length because of the fixturing of the part)
The "Fix" was to edit the probe angle to in your case maybe A180, B0 (straight up) and maybe calypso can figure its way around the Qual Sphere. The normal vector for a +X facing probe would be 1,0,0, but for some reason changing the vector to 0.998, 0,-0.0175 made everything work.

I don't know the vector for your application, but maybe you need to manually type it in.
I don't know how to mathematically figure vectors, im sure someone else could help if they knew the angles.


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Are you aware of the fact that you can always include a manual calibration in a program? Calypso remembers the points you probe manually and you can also set position points, which are remembered too.
So do you really need an automatic (tensor) calibration for accuracy reasons or would it suffice to repeat the manual calibration in CNC mode?
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We have to use multiple Automatic Calibration programs. These are setup to use different reference sphere positions to accommodate various stylus positions we use. The 3mm x 75mm stylus we use has 39 different positions.
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I have worked a long time with Calypso and have yet to come across a stylus system that cannot be qualified using tensor mode.

Is it only the collission during the approach that is the issue or will it not also qualify during semi automatic tensor? Semi automatic = you drive the machine with the joystick and make the first point and then the machine does the rest.

Have you tried to do a manual path for the stylus?
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I know what you have in mind! 🤣
Yes, I have SSC. But I'm in home office right now and I'm not 100% sure which of our probes need manual calibration (that is, automatic but non-tensor). I think it's a 1 mm star probe with 4 styli protruding sideways from a 11 mm extension (+/-X and +/-Z). This one always collides with the neck of our 30 mm sphere when the +Z tip is calibrated (but it's another tip that collides). I know you can restrict the angle, but that wouldn't cover enough of the tip.
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Weeeell, let's seee...if I drill another mounting hole, just about....heere....and tighten the extension juuust a tiny bit more....I should be able to squeeze the ruby tip riiiight in....DONE! Perfect! My first collision-proof stylus. 🤠
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