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Odd Info In Plot Header


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The great thing is that its super easy to find the .GRA file in the folder.........
Ooh wait, i forgot the naming makes absolutely Zero sense.
I cant find my line profile plot GRA file in my default folder, but i know i edited it in the past because it has my company logo on it.....
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Sorry about that. I was working from my phone and was too quick with writing my question.

I am running a program provided by a vendor who is using 6.2 and they were not using Multiple Printout.

The Part Name, Drawing number and Company are unknown to me.
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Ive seen that traeger_PWC to, it got me scratching my head the first time. Just re-generate the report and it will update to the info you are supposed to get.
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Thanks. I thought I was going crazy trying to locate the source. When I go into PiWeb Reporting Plus, I see all of the templates and notice that many of them have traeger_PWC_?????? It's too small to see but I can pick out the PWC
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