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Running 5.4.something on a G2 with XXT RDS.
I don't use formulas a lot but when I do they are quite simple. Once past simple, I need help.
I measured 2 "concentric" slots with Curves, the smaller slot is a Datum to reference the location of the larger slot that gets machined in a secondary operation. I created a Best Fit alignment for the smaller slot to evaluate the Profile of the larger slot. Part failed. The vendor would like to use the "bonus shift" allowed by the drawing based on the size deviation of the Datum slot. So would I.
My formula looks something like this: get actual(Width_Slot xx).act -(nom value slot length) / (2).
This gives me half the actual value of the slot length but I'm looking for half of the difference between the actual and nominal to use as a shift.
I played with the number of parentheses and the order and lucked out on the correct answer. When I went to copy the formula I hit Ctrl V by mistake and pasted the last thing on my clipboard. Ugh...
Any help would be a great gift. I'm retiring in June and I really want to get this before then please!! 🤣
Thanks in advance.
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How about symmetry plane (allows use of MMC/LMC) ?

I've had to use formulas for MMC bonus, etc for features, and it obviously wont check whether the feature is in tolerance, etc.
You can use a condition, on the position , with the first one allowing MMC if in tolerance, or skip over to the 2nd one without any MMC allowance 🤠

I'm not sure how best fitting 'slots' works.

Can you share a clip of the drawing?

Happy St Pattys Day, and happy measuring!
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Unfortunately, I cannot post any portion of any of our drawings.
Best fit alignment is a Curve thing. I'm trying to report a Profile, not position. Thanks for looking.
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Does the Profile and Slots share the same exact DRF (e.g. [A | B(MMC) | C] ?

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In the best fit of the curve, check the axis that allows the datum to shift, and also click create alignment; then use that alignment to tolerate 2nd curve as well. In characteristics you should be able to see how much the alignment has actually shifted when you open up this alignment.

good luck !
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