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Default print out


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Calypso 19 service pack 1 .
So we are getting that dam default print out popping up all over the place. we just upgraded and it doesn't seem to come up when we run older programs but with new programs it's driving us nuts. We have it set for background but it doesn't seem to want to stay there!
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Fixed Mine....

Go TO MULTIPLE REPORT WINDOW>>>Use drop down under the REPORT FEATURES and choose the DEFAULT report from the list.
Now with the default highlighted, Click on the GREEN check mark that is on top of the monitor icon under the media output section. This will make a red X in the box that once had a green check.

Then save your prg and the it will stop popping up. BUTTT it is not global. You have to change each program for the window to totally stop

Sucks I know.... Zeiss will one day fix this
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