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kink point with multiple solutions


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One problem I frequently have with the kink point tool is when there are multiple solutions, like in the attached pic. The intersection Calypso found is on the right side of the arc, but the one I want is on the left.

I know with the intersection tool (which I end up switching to half the time anyway 😡 ), there's a button to toggle between multiple results. Is there a way to do this with a kink point? Correcting the nominal location manually seems to lead to more issues.

This is version in 5.4


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Try using plane points and recall those into a circle.I run into that a lot with tangents between circles and planes or lines.I use space points and inside the evaluation you can select what points(net point,space point,cad point,plane point etc ) then i use intersection....
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Don't know anything about kink points, but this looks like the perfect situation for a step point.
Step point is a line that you scan to fall off an edge, and calypso will figure out where the edge is when the probe goes over.
Scan slow, very high point density, use the small styli.

Don't know if that helps at all, but i thought id throw that out there.


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Ive only ever used step points on 1 family of parts, all pretty much identical concentric cylinders. I had lots of problems i think because the fall off was only about .010 inch which was less than my ball radius.
but in the end we ran thousands of parts with 3 step points each and got very reliable results compared to the parts we would cast with repro rubber.
I think if i had a longer drop off it would have saved me many headaches.

HOWEVER, the problem with a big dropoff is that the cmm may err out while scanning what it thinks is a line, you may have to up your "search distance after" to 0.3" if it presents a problem.
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haven't read everyone's replies, but measure a 2d curve, recall those curve points to create
whatever two features you are using to get the kink. This method works best (in my experience)
The curve gets inserted into the kink first.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Well i guess i will try the step point now... The kink point worked great on my first part but on the 2nd it started lagging real bad and wouldnt output my result.... i was really impressed for a min 😉
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