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I know the easy answer is probably that I need PCM to do this, does anyone know of a way I can report a pass/fail result on the PiWeb Report?

I would like to have PiWeb report either "PASS" or "FAIL" for a particular characteristic depending on whether it is in or out of tolerance.
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It may work I will have to give it a try.

Ideally what I would like to do is have a formula that says something like: = IF Bore1_dia AND Bore2_dia ≥ .5012" THEN "FAIL"
I'm not sure this is possible without PCM.

Another option would be if I could report the diameter of each bore and instead of reporting the actual numerical value, show the text "PASS" or "FAIL" depending on if it is in spec or out of spec.
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You can throw on a graphic that will be green or red depending on how you write the code.

No pcm its all done inside PiWeb. Similar to the red-light, but use a single bubble. Do you want it on ALL features are just a select few?
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It would be just one dimension. Basically I need to measure the diameter of a cylinder at each end and if both diameters are in spec I would report it as a pass and if not a fail. The reasoning as to why is complicated, an explanation would be lengthy, I was just hoping to use a formula that would verify this and report it in text instead of numeric value.
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Never tried it but can you use "If Else" statements in formula windows?
If that work then you could make it output text with a elements result.
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