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Orientation Question


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I have a part that has a note that states the "orientation of 3° plane back to slot to be within 5° as shown in the capture below.

I believe the number I'm looking for is 90°...I can't seem to get this measurement though. I get the 3° no problem...

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Do you get a A1 and A2 angle on the 3 degree face ? Just spitting out thoughts... Could you create a theo plane and intersect with the 3 degree plane? The resulting line would be parallel with the slot !
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To answer the first question for A1/A2, yes.

As far as intersecting the 3 degree plane, I've tried intersecting, theoretical feature projections/intersections...Nothing gives me the orientation back to the slot though. I'm fairly confident it should be 90 degrees.
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So Dave's idea.. If you change A1 A2 to angle instead of vector, one is 3 degrees and the other zero ? If you are leveled to keyway in that alignment, I think that zero is what you are looking for. If the key was rotated those A1 and A2 values would start changing.
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Maybe use a formula , grab the deviation of A1 or A2 , nominally zero, and build theoretical plane using actuals. You could measure Angle Between Features from Theo plane and Symmetry of slot.
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Here is my .02

Intersect the 3º face (measured as a plane) with the large face on the back side that the angle call out is specified to (also measured as a plane). This will create a line that is nominally parallel to the center line of the slot that should intersect somewhere near your blue arrow. Call the 0º ± 5º from the created intersection to the centerline of the slot. I believe your nominal should be 0º rather than 90º

I sometimes have issue with reporting angles between two lines that are nominally parallel and will create a theoretical plane through one line (using a formula to recall angles). This may just be a shortfall in my grasp of the angles being shown so maybe I am the only one in the wide wide web that has a problem there.
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