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Measure a patterned group all at once?


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I have a fixture that holds 8 parts. There are four critical diameters on this part. I have grouped the features and applied a 1D linear pattern. This works fine, except it measures the first feature on all 8 parts, before returning to the first part to measure the second etc.

Is there a way to get the pattern to carry out all four dimension on part #1 before moving on to part #2?
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Which report are you using? If you use the table report it will report your last 12. There is also a way to make a template to output last 20.

Basically auto run just repeats your program but in a different spot on your CMM/fixture. SO if your prg works when you run it outside of auto run, then you should have no issues when you run from auto run.

At least that's the way I look at it.
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Someone posted a trick on the old forum to do this.

First add all the features you want to pattern to a group, in the reverse of the order in which you want them to be checked. Don't pattern anything yet.

Then open each feature (except the last one) and, in its comment box, add a formula pulling an "actual" from the feature below it. This creates a dependency that forces Calypso to run features in the group bottom-up.

Now pattern the whole group.

As long as you run by feature order, it should do what you want. Pretty sad that we have to trick Calypso into doing something that should be so simple...
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If you have 2019, you can have it sort features for optimized order. It will also break-up patterns.

Go to Plan - Navigation - Sort Features for optimal navigation. Select Yes then No. It might take some time to compute depending on how large your measurement plan is.
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