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Sort Features For Optimal Navigation


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There were options added in 2019 to essentially "optimize" your measurement plan, including breaking up patterns to make your measurement plan as efficient as possible.

This is found in Plan - Navigation - Sort Features for optimal navigation.

I cannot see to get it to work. If I select "Yes" for "Do you want to break up the pattern?" "Yes" for "Default order of the last CNC run?" I get a warning that says "No features available for sorting."

If I select Yes to the first option, and No for the second option (and if I just select no to the first option) I see a progress window, but it errors out immediately. "Unhandled exception: Message not understood: #squared"

I've tried multiple programs written in 2019, and I haven't been able to get this feature to work.

Has anyone used this function?
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This is a guess, but have you renamed anything ? I've seen it give this error because of Syntax issues. For example, no zero in base alignment break condition( Ex. .005 when it must be 0.005)
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🤣 🤣
But that's still better than a function having been added and then simply forgotten about (like storable rack assignments).
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No break conditions, but I did wonder if it was because of naming (and it still might be), so I tried naming things differently, and it didn't seem to matter.
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I have used the optimal nav. on a few programs just to test it out. It save an average of approx. 15-20 seconds. I'm sure most everyone writes their programs with navigation in mind. It also takes away the feature order you have set up on the drop down screen as an option to run. To change it back you need to go into the actual file and delete the optimal order file it created.
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I just wish I could get it to work for me. Lol.

I'm interested in seeing it break up patterns for me, because I had a part that I was programming that had over 200 holes in it that I needed to measure the diameter/position, and depth. I had programmed it with patterns, so I was hoping it would break it up, and do the tedious work for me.
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Oh yes. That old thing. A sad tale of a series of German default answer classics."Why would you want to do that?", "Can you send an inspection plan?" and "It's not a bug, is a feature".
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  • 1 month later...
Random update to this:

It works now with no issues. I'm not certain if I had a SP issue or what, but it works flawlessly, and well at that. It helps save me a lot of programming time when it comes to sorting features, and the pattern breakup is amazing.
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  • 1 month later...

Can anybody explain to me how the window that pops up to calculate the optimized path works? I read somewhere that the bars have to all change to orange. But how much longer do I wait and how much does it matter?

BTW, when I was first trying it out myself I noticed it only worked after I had ran through the program through the features order. I imagine it needs a base run to work off with to optimize in the first place idk 😕
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