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Good Morning.

Have started working at a firm that uses AUTORUN. The company I came from didn't use it so I have almost ZERO knowledge. One of the autorun programs developed a problem with the alignment and I had to edit the source file. After editing the program and running the AUTORUN, the FIX that I had put it wasn't there. Obviously AUTORUN is pulling the source program file from another location. How can I tell where the software is going to find the program source file?

Anyone have an AUTORUN manual?

Mark Tanner
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I've noticed it doesn't refresh the alignment. In my case, I moved the pallet. I ran the part program doing a manual alignment in new position. When I went to autorun, it went to the old position. Just edit the pallet program by selecting another alignment, then reselecting the correct one. It will refresh to the new location.
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The alignment problem wasn't the pallet alignment. They do an individual alignment on each part as part of the program. The program had become corrupted or the part was changed and one of the alignment points missed the part. I went into the source file and fixed that but when they ran the autorun it was apparently getting the source file from somewhere else because the alignment was still messed up. I need to make sure the autorun program uses the program I fixed. Can you help me?
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Click on the pallet, then pulldown menu EDIT -PALLET - DEFINE PALLET PARAMETERS

You should have one Pallet alignment, then another Part alignment. Reselect the part alignment to something else, then back to the one you want. I think by default alignments go to Base systems folder.
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Quick tip for the part picture.
get a picture or take a screenshot and save it to your computer.
Open it with paint and crop it so it is very square, not landscape or portrait.
Save as "inspict.bmp" into the program folder.
Now, when you open this program in autorun, it will auto detect the presence of this picture and load it.


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