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SZ and CZ symbols


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Hello to everyone,
how to measure the SZ and CZ symbols shown in the pictures below. Can you explain.

What I understand from the pictures is that one of the holes is one by one and all the holes are like one hole?
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"CZ" means common zone, or coplanar. Normally I think its an ISO standard?

This is placed in a geometrical tolerance frame to indicate that two or more features
have to satisfy the requirements of a single tolerance zone. I don't know what "SZ" means.
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"CZ" (Common Zone) is ISO, for sure... so I'm guessing "SZ" is also, but I have *never* seen it before, and I can't find anything on it
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If I remember this right CZ is combined zone now. Used to be common zone.
SZ is section zone.

Never used it myself.

Maybe it could be something if your slot isn't the same size in top and bottom. So any section you measure should be with in position tolerance.

How it differs from not using SZ I really can't tell.
I have only seen SZ with profile.

There could be an example in the ISO standard. I can look on monday.
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SZ is "Separate zone". It is referenced in E ISO 5458.

Since it is True Position of 12 holes, the SZ means that the holes have no relationship to one another. You would do 12 True Position characteristics. If the CZ symbol was used, you would be required to perform a best-fit position.
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Since we are talking Symbols.. How would I evaluate this : I 1.5mm Dia (P) I E I D I F I So its a 1.5 MM Diam Projected to 3 datums....

Would that mean I have to create a Projection of the Diam up to datum D to have them be somewhat on the same Plane? Then use that Projection for the Position Call out?
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Hello to everyone,

Thank you for your attention. While researching, I found that the subject was bound by ISO 1101 and 8015 standards. I'm gonna find these standards and do some research.
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Maybe a new post topic would have been better. Create the position characteristic as you normally would and active the P property. The projection tolerance zone is relative to the Primary datum.
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Thanks Tom,
So if it said 1.5 (P) 2 l A l B l C then it means the length reference is 2 correct. Pretty obvious answer but figured I would ask.
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