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Is there a way to reverse the wheel mouse zoom direction?


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When i 'pull' the wheel mouse toward me, the cad model gets smaller, when i 'push' the wheel mouse away the cad model gets larger.
This is very counter intuitive.
Is there a setting that controls this just in calypso?

Solidworks does it right
PCD does it right
CMM Manager does it like Calypso (backwards)
Keyence Vision does it like Calypso (backwards)

So is it that some companies just do it 1 way and some companies to it the other?
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I never found a setting in Calypso to change that.

Maybe the different ways to handle this are based on different ways of thinking:
In programs who do it Calypso-style you push/pull the camera, in all the others you push the model.
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I don't have any suggestion for you; However, doesn't everyone hate this? I know most people here use several different softwares that use CAD models. Why can't they standardize the way they rotate and zoom around the CAD model? Do the companies patent the navigational controls on the software or something?

I use solidworks, inventor, Calypso, bCNC, Makerbot, etc... and they're all different. WTF??
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I am pretty sure Norbert hit the nail on the head, its just a matter of the method the programmers used.

Were they altering the location of the part in relation to the camera or the camera in relation to the part.

Maybe its just me but does this actually bother people? I mean is rolling the mouse wheel a different direction that big of a deal?

I use a ton of different software and until this was brought up I had honestly never even noticed they all went in different directions.
I had to check between Solidworks and Calypso to verify what was said - I would not have ever even noticed otherwise.
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If it was only the mouse wheel direction, I wouldn't bother indeed. But most of the programs who handle it the other way round also use opposite methods for rotating and panning the view. In Calypso the left button pans and the right one rotates. Many other programs do it exactly the opposite way. THIS is really annoying. Since a few years I often have to switch between the GOM measuring software and Calypso. When I've been working with one for weeks and then use the other again, I always feel like a fool for a few hours, until I've regained control over the CAD window.
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I've been programming on ProCAM and Solidworks as well as a few others for over 30 yr's and then started with Calypso. Now when I go back to one of the other softwares it takes me a while to remember which direction I'm going. I use 3 different cad softwares now and it can be very confusing... A fact which I believe amuses the developers very much!
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