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Alignment over 2 faces and one symmetry plane - Part not centered


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Hello everybody!


I have a part that is to be aligned over 2 surfaces and a symmetry plane via bestfit.



I have created 2 fitting planes and from them a symmetry plane. 538918533_planeB1.thumb.PNG.c5c25e890090a71852102f0917262628.PNG43103388_planeB2.thumb.PNG.a2204ee60f521f74cc50b99ae0f6d92d.PNG


But my part is not centered.




Deviation is/should be elements.



Does anyone have ideas why my deviation does not show the same results on both sides?

Thanks in advance!

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if you want to align your actual data via derived geometric elements you should use an alignment like Geometric alignment or something comparable (e.g. RPS, 3-2-1, ...). This is usually the best approach!

I can only guess why the Bestfit  does not compute the "expected" result: May be the Maximum search distance is not set accordingly or you can try to disable the Auto-adjust search distance in the Expert parameters.

Hope this helps?!



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