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loading stp (STEP) files


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There is a license required to run .stp files in Calypso.
If you have the license you need to be sure it is activated under Extras>Settings>Miscellaneous>Licenses (See Attached) 333_743f499e121cc1e9d40db86b822d9f9e.jpg
Note: you must be logged in as Master to make changes.
If the license is active, the other problem is Calypso has a problem with the extension.
I have in the past had to change the extension from .STEP to .stp for the solid to be recognized.
Hope this helps
Greg K
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This does help. I took a look and I don't have the license for STEP converter.

Now I just need to figure out how to get it.

Thanks for your help Greg

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The swap from .iges to .stp is a good idea.
The .stp files come in cleaner.
If I do the solid model I will export it as an ACIS(*.sat) to load into Calypso.
This is the resident solid software embedded in Calypso so these solids import without any issues.
I should state I have not had issues.

Greg K
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Ian, I don't know what the policy is but from my experience, if you request the change when you first get the machine, Zeiss usually will do it at no charge. However, if you ask for the change after any significant time has lapsed, you'll likely need to purchase it.
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  • 4 weeks later...
We had an iges converter on an older Eclipse machine. I contacted our sales lady and she was able to get us transferred over to stp at no charge. We do have our machines on the maintenance plan.
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