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probe creation in Calypso planner


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instead of using the the stylus creator in the planner software, which I am on the struggle bus to figure out how to do, Can I just import the probe tips I have created in Calypso 2019 and use those and not worry about using the stylus creator in planner? Newb question I know.....
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For Planner only, you don't need to use the SSC probes. But if you also use simulation to prove out your programs, SSC probes are essential, as they contain the complete probe geometry, which is important for proper collision testing.
For Planner only you can also import PCF files you exported from the stylus management window on the CMM. But why would one want to do that? I'd rather try and learn the ways of the Stylus Creator. It's not that hard.
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I agree, I would like to be able to use the stylus creator in planner to do this. Are there video tutorials on how to set them up?, I am finding that getting going with getting probe tips created is not the same as the CMM software
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Since I'm in a generous mood today, here's a quick beginners tutorial:

Select File/New or click icon "Create new stylus system" 127_136bc1a2573de69a3801401304c0c8cc.jpg
Select your head and click Start.
This will give you a filtered stylus tree with only the elements that fit your head. 127_136bc1a2573de69a3801401304c0c8cc.jpg
Select an adapter plate from the tree and double click it to insert it in the CAD window. 127_aa8fb46d998167ac44e2ea21bd9875d3.jpg
Rotate the plate in the CAD window so you can see the green connection dots. 127_7d4263dc4e15c51152b4b899f0c9c01d.jpg
Mark the next element you want to connect in the tree, e.g. an extension. 127_bf87dae73f3215cd7e2382180a875cc2.jpg
Instead of double clicking it, click the green dot where you want to connect the element. 127_4ace08f29769a724c4282317bf440361.jpg
Proceed with the next element, now maybe a stylus. If you try to connect something that doesn't fit, e.g. an M3 stylus to an M5 connection, the SSC will display a warning message. But normally you should always see only the elements that fit.
If you know you should see an element, but don't (maybe an M3 stylus because you inserted an M5/M3 adapter somewhere), first select the element to connect to in the CAD window (must be yellow). Then the tree should show all the fitting elements. 127_e27885a9c892094a52edc625697fec4d.jpg
To remove something, select it (mark yellow), richt click and select "Remove". But be aware that everything that was further connected to that element will be removed too!

When you're done inserting elements, click the stylus tip icon. The CAD window will show green indicators for every stylus tip with a number and a name. In the center of the screen there's a table with the same data. There you can edit numbers and names as you want them to appear in Calypso. 127_d718ef15fc8c627c4ea79c1734f7e426.jpg
Now click "Edit stylus system properties". In the appearing window enter a name for the stylus. This is mandatory, all the other fields are optional. It's the name under which the stylus will appear in Calypso and also the default save file name. By clicking on "Save as..." you can save the stylus right away. 127_a2ad7520c4d81aa515c40d9ce8312765.jpg
This is just a very basic tutorial for standard elements without angles or rotations. Note that you also need to create (and import in Calypso) a master probe that fits your probe head. Ready-made master probes should appear in a seperate branch of the tree. Note also that depending on the probe head you have, starting with a plate may not be enough. You may need additional special elements first, that connect to the head.


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Thank you for your generosity! I will give that a go and see how I make out with it! I have been just programming at the CMM, but would like to use my planner seat while either out of the office or while the machine is running. Thanks again! I will post up I suppose if I have further questions.
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