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scanning around a part


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I am fairly new to CMM programming and real green on calypso 2019. I have been through the basic training course from Zeiss and learned quite a bit, but I could use some advance user training I suppose. Anyway, my question is for one of our customers I have to probe or scan around the part to create a profile and check it back to 2 datums. I am struggling to to get the machine to scan around my part. I am sure there is something I am missing. I have tried creating a polyline around the perimeter of the part, but the outside consists of angled planes and radii. download/file.php?mode=view&id=3774


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CAD - Creating Features - Section.
Create a plane larger than the part with a Z vector on 1, & drive it down (-Z) into the part. deep enough for the probe to reach it.
Hit section. It will slice through the model and create a 2d curve. Then go to wire frame, pick on the curve segments while holding down ctrl to extract the curve. Hit the curve button. Now you can use the cure for line profile, or recall the points into a FFS for surface profile. Although you would need multiple curves at different levels for that. Multiple the nominal number of points by at least 3.
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If you just double click on the section it will grab the whole spline for you - you don't have to do the ctrl+click each spline.

I would also suggest that when you create a Curve to extract based a number of points per segment. I like to start with 100, and if I need to reduce my points later, I can.
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If you don't have curve,you can also generate a set of space points around the part in the same way as described above (select "space points" and "from curve"). They can be probed as single touch points or scanned (I don't remember right now where to set that up). Only problem left would then be how to evaluate them as a profile.
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It is not stated if this line or surface profile, given line profile is less common I kind of doubt it is line profile.

If this is surface profile, I do not understand the reasoning of making curves to check this. A single curve cannot check surface profile correctly, each will only give line profile. In order to properly check surface profile you will need to have more than one curve at different heights. If you create more than one, then the evaluation method needs to control simultaneous requirement somehow. This is possible, but given the additional complexity of properly constructing curves for a newer Calypso user and the requirement of an option to use curve at all, I would suggest the following.

The features all appear to be cylinders and planes so I would use the following method.

Extract the features as normal as planes and cylinders.

Create an alignment using the two referenced datum features.

Create a Geometry best fit alignment using all the features to be checked for profile as a derivative from the alignment created above, allow it to best fit the degrees of freedom not constrained by the original two datum features - this will likely only be one rotation around Z.

Create profile characteristics for each feature - all characteristics reference the geometry best fit.
(Alternatively, you can create a theoretical 3d line that references your geometry best fit alignment and use that as your third datum feature.)

If desired, make a Max characteristic that references all your profile characteristics to report your maximum deviation.
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when I try to use the section option and then select my segments, if I try to select curve, I get a pop up that says feature not available. Am I missing something?
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If I select the elements needed to create the profile around the outside, and use Multiple creation and creates the indivual elements as shown in the screen shot. So kind of stuck on what to do with that. I am assuming I need to recall all those elements to create the profile to scan around it?? Sorry if this is basic, programming a CMM is nothing like programming a CNC machine with CAM software, which is where my 19 years of maching experience is at.


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Use extract features as shown below. This will allow you to pull features off of your model.
You currently have circles and lines, you will need cylinders and planes. Profile of a surface requires a 3D surface. I believe profile of a line requires a curve. I am pretty sure that circles and lines are not valid options for profile of a line in Calypso, it makes no sense until you realize that they sell the Curve option for thousands of dollars per seat.

Either way if you follow the method I posted in my previous post you can do profile of a surface by creating cylinders and planes.
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Is there anything wrong with just taking a bunch of profile points around the surfaces in question, recalling those into a min and max feature, and then reporting the larger of the two?
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I think I have it sorted out mostly. I have extracted the features in that are used to make up the "profile" and applied a strategy to each, then I have created a "profile form" for each individual characteristic and dimension back to the datums that the customer has called out. So there are 15 individual characteristics and I have 15 individual "profile" measurements called to those datum's requested by the customer. I am told that this is the work around for not having free form and curves options activated on calypso 2019. It seems to work, I would just prefer to have on profile measurement that grabs all the individual characteristics and applies them has one feature. Such is life I suppose.
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You can mask all of the individual profile characteristics as well, so it only reports the maximum. I'd also recommend placing those individual profiles into a group, just to clean up your program.
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Sorry Clarke, I hadn't noticed where you said that.

Not having the FFS option, I had not considered the ability to recall the curves into one feature.

Either way I can see where that method is nice for those of you that have the FFS option. I felt it made sense to point out there was a method for doing it that did not require having two options that many do not have.

It is unfortunate that the option to use curves and recall into a FFS is just not an option for a lot of people because they do not have the options required.
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This method has helped me out a lot. However, when copy the 1rst segment, the copied segment(s) appear but no points show even though I can see the entities in the Hierarchy. What am I missing?
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