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Manual Alignment is Pallet system


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I am just starting to use auto run in the pallet system and I notice a manual alignment tab but it is grey'd out.

How would I do a manual alignment in the pallet system if I move the setup?
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  • 4 weeks later...
I have this same issue, I only have 1 pallet program but what I do basically to get around it is to open the program that has the alignment for the pallet run manual alignment, save and then open auto run. This works as a work around but I really don't think this is the way its intended to be used, so if someone else could help out it'd be appreciated.
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The Alignment in the CNC area is the same alignment I used to create the pallet and the button in the selection area for base and start alignment is also greyed out as is the manual alignment in the CNC Start Parameter area.

Like Amel I took a picture of where I created the program so I always put it in the same place if I want to use the Auto Run.
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I have single part measurement plans and multi-part pallets in Autorun.
None of the multi-part pallets have the ability to select manual alignment. I always set the alignment before creating the pallet which you select at that time.
If I need to change the location of the first part of the pallet I have to open the program and set the alignment again then the pallet recognizes the new alignment.
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That's right. I wasn't thinking about pallet vs. non-pallet.

If you create a real fixture program with its' own base alignment, you would only need to run the fixture program to update the alignment for the pallet program. The fixture program could be an icon on the same desktop as the pallet program and it would have the benefit of the manual alignment option. In this case, I would use the CNC alignment from the fixture program as my pallet alignment in the pallet program. Confused? Attached is something I created a long time ago. It doesn't cover everything but might get your brain turning.
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