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Cookbook Templates


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We have in house, to help with programming, the Measuring Strategies Cookbook (Tactile).
In this cookbook, under output of characteristics, Zeiss mentions different report templates.
I cannot remember where I found them but I did and downloaded them. 333_3d1bc6bb5aeb83938c0c4368118c14e2.jpg
My question where the devil do you insert or make reference to these files for output.

Greg K.


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C:\Users\{Your User name}\AppData\Roaming\ZEISS\PiWeb\Templates

I think you have to run a PiWeb report first too for these to show up in the designer mode.
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Brett thanks for a route to the folder for these templates.
Thru a bit of searching on you-tube found a 3-4 min video on how to make these work in low and behold Pi Web.
So far I've been successful in getting result.
Other than to make more money for Zeiss we can not see a benefit in Pi Web.
For the better part of 12 years all that we've needed is compact printout and an occasional Excel report.
I don't know just me venting a bit.
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The new generation of Calypso users probably look at the compact printout and think "why would anyone ever use this?"

Having said that, I don't know if Pi Web is SO massive and customizable that it just appears complex, or if it is genuinely just too damn complex. Not sure how I would improve it, but it is daunting to say the least.
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I don't consider it too complex, but too inflexible as to how much you can customize many report elements (it looks flexible, but it really isn't - or the flexibility is so well hidden that I can't find it...). And it is too incompatible to Calypso, requiring the operator to adapt all measurement plans - and every other update you also need to replace your existing - and probably heavily customized - report templates with new ones in order to get the new functionality.
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