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Is this a torus?


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I have a part as shown in the image attached. I am tasked with measuring that radius but the center is offset. I am told that this is a sphere, Calypso says it is a torus. If I measure it as a torus and report the second radius, the results are often slightly large. Measuring as a sphere and reporting radius, results are small.

What shape is this and what is the best way to report that size?
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Measure the outer diameter or inner cylinder and set it as the primary alignment.
Then measure the shape as a sphere and you will get the values you are looking for.
You can convert the diameter of the sphere into a radius in a formula
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It is a Torus, but it looks like the "major" diameter is actually smaller than the "minor" one, which is unusual. A sphere, though, is the special case of a torus where the two are equal.
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Calypso will recognize this as a Taurus. To get the radius you need I would make a circle under
creating features under CAD pull down. 333_72714974f717f64c284d14dcd59fd598.jpg
Open the section pull which is where you define the sectioning plane.
You can manipulate size by grabbing corners with mouse then hit section.
A yellow line shows the places the features are cut 333_5e930bd7391fe1d1021018fa691ddf48.jpg
After you do this go to creation and with mouse click on the yellow line that represents feature you need.
It will turn purple. Un-click Full circle then click the circle icon. A circle will be created under features 333_41517fa9eed64d7ccc03d4c488478444.jpg
you can now open up the circle and edit your strategy and evaluation 333_78badc635df2c927ad50a45b59420e04.jpg
Hope this is helpful and not too long winded
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If I was the designer wouldn't request a radius measuring there (Line Profile is better)..
the measuring will have a very big uncertainty anyway...

you have some tools to find the value that you are looking for here:

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By the way, you can't trust Calypso's identification of CAD geometry, because Calypso always approximates.
If you need to know the real geometry type of a CAD patch and have no CAD system available, you need at least some kind of CAD viewer that allows to turn approximation off.
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Gregory got it. I overlooked the Creating Features menu. I tried creating curves and then recalling into circles. I didn't realize that through a Section I can simply define a circle.

As far as offline is concerned, this is looking much better. Will update when I run it online. Thanks Norbert for letting me know that Calypso isn't always spot on.
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It should be a Torus, sphere radius should be marked as SR not symbol R. Using curved tracing you can easily find the radius, I don't think this is much complicated....
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