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Anybody have ever seen this kind of problem/Pop up message.

My question is in this feature some points are missing. And some of the plane are area(see attachment). But the form error was 0.0006mm. is this possible to come like this?

Why this kind of message come and does it effect the feature or dimensions?

I hope you guys are understand my question.

Thanks in advance.


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Looks like the probe lost good contact with the part during the scanning (air Scanning)..
This is a common issue mainly with XXT probeheads, to solve that, is necessary to improve the alignment of the part (maybe some points to identify where the part is before to scan)
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That just means for a part of the scan it wasn't contacting the part with the expected force. You might have noticed when it ran that feature it probably ran it twice and a lot slower the second time. This can happen for many reasons, also if the part deviates more then expected from what the nominals are. Going too fast while scanning can increase the chance of this happening but that isn't too common in my experience.
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Pretty common. Here's a tip. If you're scanning, you might as well take advantage of taking as many points as possible (within reason). I find using .004" or 0.1mm step widths on scanning of planes to be reliable without creating too much demand on the processor. It also depends on the size of the plane. On a smaller planes, I will reduce the step size and larger planes, I will increase the step width. That's just me. Other users will probably have their own ideas.
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Hello guys

I appreciate your response & thanks a lot.

So there is no problem for dimensions?

And my question is if it's happening like this the form error was fine. How it is possible.? Please explain.

Thanks in advance
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On planes and lines, this error usually pops up at the very start of the scan and it is likely the points affected by the "air scanning" were masked out anyway. Masking affects the points collected in the first .25 seconds of the scan. In this case, due to large step width, you'll probably only see 1 point.

Right-click in the CAD window and select "show masked points".
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